The Leaf-to-Lips Journey of Genki Forest Oolong Tea
Health is a topic that's on everyone's minds, and it's here to stay; especially with the uncertainties we face in today's world, it's especially important to stay informed and make conscious choices for ourselves and our loved ones, to maintain...
lychee flavor for the win!
If you think sparkling water is boring, then I am sure you haven't had one of ours. Our product team has done tremendous research on sparkling water in the market and we came out the best of the best flavours...
The Amazing Secret To Zero Calorie Flavor Wonderland!
Have you ever wondered how zero sugar and zero calorie beverages manage to taste deliciously sweet without the use of sugar? Sugar is where sweetness comes from, right? Well, the truth is that there are other options, including one found...
The Wonders of Oolong Tea
Oolong teas are considered “semi-oxidized,” - the oxidation falls somewhere between green and black tea. This takes a tremendous amount of skill from the craftsman who partially oxidizes the leaf using special rolling, withering and shaping techniques. Genki Forest dedicated...